What is a Quinceanera Court? The Complete Guide

Quinceanera Court of Damas outside in their dresses

Planning for a quinceañera and wondering what the heck is the quinceanera court is?! Maybe this is your first time planning a quinceañera or you’ve been out the quince game for a while and just need a little refresher on the quinceañera’s are putting together their courts in today’s world. In this article I’m going to answer this question and many more. Like, “what the heck is the court of honor?” Or “What do they do and why are they even important? With this guide I’ll teach you everything you need to know about a quinceañera court and how to choose the perfect court members for your daughter’s quinceañera. Let’s dive in!

Table of Content

  1. What Exactly is the Court of Honor? 

  2. What Makes Someone Well-Suited to be in a Court of Honor?

  3. 5 Simple Steps to Choosing the Ideal Court of Honor

  4. Creative Court Gift Ideas for Her Big Day

  5. Conclusion + Free Download

What Exactly is the Court of Honor? 

Let's start by making sure we're all on the same page about what the quinceañera court of honor is and why it's so important. 

The court of honor is a select group of people chosen by the birthday girl to accompany her and support her leading up to and especially on the day of her quinceañera celebration. 

This group is made up of close female friends and family members referred to as ‘damas’, and close male friends and family members called ‘chambelanes’. 

Some of the key responsibilities of the court of honor include:

  • Accompanying the quince girl to church services the day of the event

  • Participating in formal photos before and during the celebration

  • Performing in special dances at the event, like the traditional waltz and surprise dance

  • Being present to offer moral support and encouragement to the quinceañera throughout the planning process and on the big day

So in many ways, the court of honor plays a similar role to bridesmaids and groomsmen at a wedding. They exist to honor, support and boost up the quinceañera on her major milestone event.

The court of honor is such an integral piece of the quinceañera tradition because planning and having a quince can be quite stressful and demanding for a young woman. Choosing close friends and family members who love her deeply to stand by her side through the process helps make the journey more joyful and memorable and LESS STRESSFUL.

Court Size?

Photo by Sammy’s Productions

When it comes to size and makeup of the court of honor, there's actually a lot of flexibility and room for personalization. While back in the day having 14 couples (damas & chambelanes) plus the quince girl and her main escort as the 15th couple, in this day and age, courts can range anywhere from 2 to 30 members or more!

The quince girl can select all females, all males, or a mix of both genders for her court. There are no hard rules about the ideal number or boy/girl breakdown. At the end of the day, whatever combination allows the birthday girl to surround herself with the folks that love her the most is perfect.

If you’re worried about how your dances will look, DON’T WORRY! With an experienced quince choreographer, your daughter’s special dances will still turn out amazingly whether she has a smaller court or a huge one, all damas or all chambelanes, etc.

So now that we've covered the essential purpose and role of the quinceañera’s court of honor, let's discuss what make someone the best candidate for your daughter’s court of honor.

What Makes Someone Well-Suited to be in a Court of Honor? 

As you go through the court selection process with your daughter, you'll want to keep an eye out for the people that possess certain characteristics that would make them a great fit for the court of honor role.
Here are some of the key qualities that make someone likely to shine as an excellent court of honor member:

  • Responsible - Court members take on important duties that require commitment, organization and follow through. They'll need to be at key events leading up to the big day like dress shopping, photoshoots, rehearsals, etc. Being responsible and proactive is essential.

  • Supportive - At its core, this role is about cheering on the quinceañera every step of the way on her journey, not stealing her spotlight. Look for caring, encouraging friends who want to lift her up.

  • Fun & Outgoing - The right court dynamic can make the vibe positive and uplifting. Candidates should be spirited, charismatic, and comfortable being social centers of attention when needed.

  • Confident - Court members are on stage a lot! From church ceremonies to spotlight dances, they'll need confidence and stage presence. Pick your most expressive friends.

  • Organized - Court members often collaborate on gifts, schedule group outings, coordinate attire, and more. Someone who is organized and proactive helps them excel in this support role.

  • Reliable - Joining the court is a commitment. Select friends and family members who are known for being responsible, prompt, and staying true to their word. Flakiness won't fly! 

Keep these traits in mind as you evaluate prospects. Of course, no one is perfect, but try to choose people with the best overall blend of these court-ready qualities. 

Pick court members your daughter is 100% comfortable with, who can handle the duties with grace, and make the journey pure joy. With the right squad by her side, your daughter is sure to feel supported and surrounded with love through the entire quinceañera planning process! 

Now that we’ve covered all the traits that make someone a good choice for your daughter’s quinceañera court, let's discuss step-by-step how to select the perfect group for your princess.

5 Simple Steps to Choosing the Ideal Court of Honor

Photo by Eduardo Barrientos

Selecting the court is one of the first planning tasks on the road to throwing an unforgettable quinceañera celebration. Here is a straightforward 5 step process to assemble an A+ court of honor your daughter will love:

Step 1: Brainstorm a Master List of Candidates

Have your daughter grab a notebook or open up a blank computer document. Encourage her to write down the names of EVERYONE she is potentially interested in including in her court of honor. 

This initial brainstorming list should be super broad - it's just about getting all the possibilities down on paper. 

Have her include:

  • Close friends from school, sports, church, etc. 

  • All the cousins she's tight with

  • Siblings she's especially bonded to

  • Family friends her age she looks up to

  • Neighbors that are her pretty cool to hang with

Really any female or male peers, mentors, or younger role models that come to mind as supporting her should go on the first round list. Cast a wide net at this stage!

Step 2: Narrow Down the Options

Once the mega list is complete, it's time to start narrowing it down. 

Go through all the names one-by-one with your daughter and begin ruling out less ideal options. Keep an eye out for:

  • Friends/family who live far away or would likely have trouble traveling for the event

  • Acquaintances she's not super close with currently  

  • People who lack organization skills to handle court responsibilities 

  • Those with personalities or attitudes that might clash or want the spotlight 

  • Any other red flags about ability to participate in a positive way

The goal is to narrow the choices down to her ride or die friends and supporters who feel like her true inner circle right now. Quality over quantity is key when selecting her A-team.

At the end of this narrowing down process, you should have about 8-10 top contender names. More or less is fine too, as long as each potential person feels like the cream of the crop options to your daughter.

Step 3: Toss Around the Idea

Once you've cut down the list of potentials, the next step is informally floating the court invitation idea to the top choices before formally asking them.

This could look like your daughter saying something simple like: 

"Hey, quick question: How would you feel about being in my quinceañera court on [date]? It's going to be epic!""

This gives potential court members advance notice to hold their calendar before formal invites go out. It also allows you to gauge whether they seem genuinely interested and available.

Look for excited, affirmative reactions when you mention the court of honor opportunity at this stage.

Step 4: Send Out Official Invitations

Once you've informally discussed the idea with your chosen few, it's time to solidify your court members. These official invitations mark a huge step in the process! Providing your potential court members with all the details they need to commit to your quinceañera court is key. 

Your official court invitations can take various forms:

1. Traditional Cards or Letters: A thoughtful card or letter addressed to the potential court member can be a classic choice. It should include important event details, a clear invitation to participate in the court, and information about where to find the designated court attire.

2. Parental Communication: Alternatively, mom, you could reach out to the potential court members parents directly. You can extend the invitation formally, and this will ensure all necessary information is communicated correctly. 

3. Creative Video Message: For a personal touch, consider creating a video message. Have you daughter record a heartfelt invitation, share event specifics, and express her excitement about having them in her court. Send this video message electronically or via social media.

Step 5: Follow Up and Confirm Final Court 

After your daughter has received responses and reactions to her formal court invitations, the last step is to follow up and confirm the final team.

  • Reach back out to those invitees who you haven't heard back from yet and politely ask if they will be able to participate. 

  • For those who accepted, get the 100% final confirmation from a PARENT that they are in and have marked their calendars. Remind them to order their court attire and get their measurements done ASAP.

  • Then once you have solid verdicts from everyone, it’s time to celebrate! The court of honor is officially assembled and ready to start preparing to celebrate your princess! WOOP WOOP!

Selecting the group is a huge milestone checked off the quince planning list thanks to your thoughtful guidance. Great work, mama!

Creative Court Gift Ideas for Her Big Day

Now that the court is officially assembled and you’re probably thinking: what can I do or give the court of honor as a meaning thank you?

Custom, personalized gifts are a thoughtful way to show how much your daughter appreciates their commitment, time and effort. 

Here are some fun and creative gift ideas to inspire you for both the initial court invitation and for a takeaway present on the day of the quinceañera:

Initial Court Invitation Gifts:

  • Customized Invitation Cards: Personalize invitation cards with a heartfelt message and a small trinket like a charm or a keychain that represents your friendship.

  • Mini Quinceañera Survival Kits: Create small kits with items like a mini tiara, a faux rose, and a message saying, "Will you help me survive my big day?"

  • Cute Locket: Present a locket with your photo or a memorable picture inside, signifying the bond you share.

  • Mystery Puzzle: Send a puzzle with a hidden message, which they have to solve to reveal the invitation.

  • Dessert Delivery: Send a sweet treat like cupcakes or cookies with a note that says, "Life is sweeter with you in my court. Will you be there?"

Quinceañera Takeaway Gifts:

  • Personalized Jewelry: Create custom bracelets or necklaces with their names and the quinceañera date engraved.

  • Customized T-Shirts: Design fun quinceañera-themed t-shirts with a group photo or an inside joke from your court.

  • Memory Scrapbook: Prepare a scrapbook filled with photos and mementos from your journey together

  • Customized Keychains: Craft keychains featuring a quinceañera-themed charm along with their name and role in your court.

  • Photo Frame: Provide a stylish photo frame for them to display a cherished memory from the quinceañera.

  • Funky Socks: Create custom socks with a playful design and a thank-you message.

  • Mini Perfume or Cologne: Give a small bottle of a nice fragrance as a gesture of appreciation.

  • Favor Bags: Assemble goodie bags filled with small treats, a thank-you note, and a quinceañera-themed trinket.

There are so many ways to make court members feel special with personalized, monogrammed items they can remember their participation for years to come. Shop early so gifts are ready to go as soon as her court is confirmed!


Photo by Sammy’s Productions

There you have it! Everything you need to know to guide your daughter through handpicking the perfect court of honor for her quinceañera.

Here's a quick recap of the key steps:

  • Brainstorm a master list of prospects 

  • Narrow it down to top 8-10 ideal candidates

  • Informally float the idea to gauge interest before formal invite

  • Send formal invitations to likely participants

  • Follow up to confirm the final fabulous court lineup!

Most importantly, remember this is about choosing supportive, special people your daughter is close with to celebrate this imporant moment in her life. There's no magic court number - trust her vision! 

I hope this info gives you a helpful starting place to spearhead court selection. Choosing her team sets the tone for an event where your daughter feels loved, confident and beautiful inside and out.

As one final resource, be sure to grab our FREE Quince Court Contact List! 

This contact list will help her consider the best candidates for her court of honor and help everyone stay on top of all the necessary contact information.

Effortlessly Manage Your Court of Honor

Download Our Free 'Court of Honor Contact List' for Seamless Court Member Tracking!

    Looking for the Top Father Daughter Dance Songs?

    Check out this link, Top Quinceanera Father-Daughter Dance Songs

    Need help planning your quinceañera reception timeline?

    Check out this link, My Proven Timeline For a Flawless Quinceañera Reception

    Let us know if any other questions about the quinceanera court come up ! We’re here to help you give your princess the memorable, meaningful celebration she's dreamed of.

    Micah Pushia

    Micah is a quinceañera choreographer based in Texas that has helped hundreds of girls have the confidence and knowledge they need to have the best experience for their quinceañeras.


    3 Essential Tips for Choosing the Perfect Quinceanera Court